Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do at Home with No Equipment, from Trainer Emily Skye

Fitness trainer Emily Skye shares five no-equipment moves that are perfect for a quick, at-home workout.

Despite the festive season often involving travel, be it returning to your hometown or embarking on a holiday trip, it's essential not to let it interrupt your regular workout schedule. Even while away from your usual setting, maintaining an exercise routine can be beneficial, especially when you need some time off from your family activities. If you're in search of a basic, no-equipment-required workout that fits into any setting, fitness trainer Emily Skye, the brain behind the Emily Skye FIT app, has the perfect solution. Emphasizing the importance of rest as a critical component of a healthier and happier lifestyle, Skye also believes in staying inspired throughout the year. She advises, "Each day, you have to wake up and make a conscious decision that you want this. Exercise because you aspire to feel fitter, happier, or more robust; remember your goal every single time." Presented here are five easy-to-do lower-body workouts that you can perform at home, or anywhere else, should you feel like getting active. These simple, equipment-free exercises, including bodyweight squats, lunges, calf raises, and deadlifts, offer substantial benefits. Skye states, "You don't require a gym membership to stay fit. You don't even need to step outside. All you need is some floor area and your body, nothing more."

No-Equipment Lower Body At-Home Workout, From Emily Skye

How it works: After warming up, perform the circuit three to four times with at least a 20-second rest between each exercise. "Remember to complete each movement with proper form, through the full range of motion [available to you], and with a smooth flow," explains Skye. "This will help you get the most out of each exercise." When you're done, do some light stretching to cool down.

What you'll need: a mat and a chair

Squat-to-Chair Sit

Position a chair behind you at a distance that allows your glutes to touch the edge of the seat when you perform a squat. Stand in front of the chair, keeping your feet apart equivalent to the width of your hips. Engage your core and clasp your hands together in front of your chest.

Bend your knees to execute a squat, lowering your body until you are seated on the chair. Slightly pause once your glutes touch the chair's surface, ensuring not to rest your full body weight.

Then, push through your heels to rise back to a standing position. Repeat this exercise for 8 to 12 reps.

Shallow Static Lunge

A. Stand with feet hip-width distance apart and fists together at chest.

B. Step left foot back, and stand on ball of left foot with heel raised. Keep right foot firmly planted on the ground.

C. Lunge by dropping left knee toward the floor and bending at right knee. Only lunge down as far as is comfortable.

Do 8 to 12 reps, then alternate sides.

Standing Calf Raises

A. Stand with feet hip-width apart. Lightly hold the back of a chair on one side to support balance, if needed.

B. Raise both calves by lifting up onto toes.

C. Slowly lower heels back down with control.

Do 12 to 15 reps.

Bodyweight Deadlift

A. Stand with feet hip-width apart, core engaged, and arms straight with fists in front of each thigh.

B. Hinge at hips, lowering fists toward the top of feet.

C. Press through all four corners of your feet to return to standing position and repeat.

Do 8 to 12 reps.

Sumo Squat

A. Take a wide stance with toes pointing slightly outward.

B. Engage core, bring fists together at chest, and lower butt down into a squat with knees tracking above ankles.

C. Squeeze glutes to push back up to standing again, then repeat.

Do 8 to 12 reps.

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