Katy Perry Explained Why She Goes Through 'Phases' Without Drinking

The star just launched a new non-alcoholic apértif that might convince you to do the same, too.

Katy Perry, the renowned pop singer, has recently shared her evolving relationship with alcohol. As part of her new non-alcoholic beverage venture, De Soi, she's opening up about her personal journey with alcohol consumption and how maintaining a balanced lifestyle has become more important to her.

Speaking to People, Perry revealed that as she's aged, it's not quite as easy to keep up with the drinking habits she had in her 20s. She humorously admitted that having a few alcoholic drinks during the week could disrupt her routine for the next couple of days. Therefore, she prefers exercising self-control on weekdays while allowing herself to indulge in dinners and socializing over the weekends.

In fact, Perry confessed that her drinking habits fluctuate, with periods of sobriety interspersed with casual drinking, depending on her current focus. Previously in an interview back in 2013, she mentioned undergoing a three-month alcohol detox as part of a holistic cleanse during a challenging phase in her life.

Perry’s attitude towards balanced alcohol consumption resonates with many who are exploring mindful drinking. Whether it's taking a month-long break from alcohol, reassessing the motivations behind reaching for that glass of wine, or seeking healthier alternatives like yoga, meditation, or journaling, there's a growing trend towards conscious engagement with alcohol. With her latest venture, Katy is offering a delicious non-alcoholic option for those who want to enjoy their drink without compromising on taste or their wellbeing.

Laura Ward, a renowned expert in addiction recovery, has expressed her support for initiatives like Dry January that promote the reconsideration of alcohol consumption. She argues that society's normalization of drinking often blinds individuals to their problematic relationship with alcohol, allowing them to only realize they might have an issue when they hit rock bottom. These alcohol-free challenges offer a platform for those experiencing 'sober curiosity' or 'gray-area drinking' to reassess their habits before reaching a critical stage. (For insights on succeeding in Dry January, check here.) If you suspect your drinking habits are impacting your health or leading to excessive or binge drinking, it is crucial to consult with a reliable healthcare professional. They can provide guidance on safe methods to cut down or entirely stop alcohol consumption. Giving up alcohol can lead to numerous unnoticed mental and physical benefits. Initially, alcohol may incite feelings of relaxation and drowsiness, but it substantially disrupts quality sleep, according to Carlene MacMillan, a New York City-based psychiatrist. This disturbance can negatively affect your mood, concentration, and motivation for healthy morning routines. Furthermore, abstaining from alcohol allows people to consistently engage in exercise routines. As explained by Angie Asche, a sports dietitian and clinical exercise physiologist, alcohol influences hydration levels, motor skills, and muscle recovery. Kristin Koskinan, a registered dietitian nutritionist, adds that refraining from consuming alcohol could boost energy levels as alcohol depletes B vitamins, a vital source for sustained energy. Long-term abstinence from alcohol also reaps significant benefits for both one's emotional and physical well-being. It reduces risks of various cancers, improves heart health, fortifies the immune system, and prevents liver damage, as Dr. MacMillan highlights. Moreover, you'll likely experience heightened clarity of thought without the fog of after-work cocktails. Using alcohol to cope with difficult emotions avoids the necessary process of understanding and managing those feelings, as per Dr. MacMillan. We applaud Perry for endorsing the idea of enjoying life without alcohol through delicious non-alcoholic alternatives. She embodies the message of caring for oneself while still experiencing excitement and joy in life.

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