Reese Witherspoon Shared Her Treadmill and Foam Rolling Routines on Instagram

The acclaimed actress Reese Witherspoon has been sharing her preferred workout and recovery routines on social media. These routines are not just effective, but also quite simple to follow. Apart from her successful Book Club, the versatile 44-year-old celebrity started a run/walk challenge this month. She's been updating fans on Instagram about how she's managing to prevent injuries while staying on track with her homemade challenge.

In her recent Instagram Stories, Witherspoon disclosed that she chose to do a treadmill workout on Day 8 of her challenge to avoid the chilly weather outside. She further shared an outline of her complete interval training for anyone who might be interested in attempting it as well. She kept her incline at 1 percent and switched between walking at a speed of 3.5-4 miles per hour for three minutes and running at a pace of 5.5-6 miles per hour for two minutes. This continued for a total duration of thirty minutes.

For those who find working out on a treadmill monotonous, interval training can be more engaging and seem to pass quicker than a regular steady-paced run. Moreover, the right choice of music can make your treadmill session less tedious. Witherspoon credited her energized workout to her chosen playlist - Pure Motivation, available on Apple Music, which helped her get through her rigorous exercise routine.

Renowned actress Reese Witherspoon recently took to Instagram to give her followers a glimpse into her recovery process amidst her ongoing run/walk challenge. The video she shared showcased her performing various foam rolling exercises, which she mentioned were taught to her by the acclaimed fitness coach and exercise guru, Kadee Sweeney.

"Many of you are participating in the Run/Walk Challenge with me this month. There's still an opportunity for those who wish to join," expressed Witherspoon in her post. She then went on to introduce her routine, stating "Here's my daily roll-out routine that I learned from @kadeefit ??‍♀️ (Because stretching is essential!)? Wishing everyone a fantastic workout!"

As showcased in a video, Witherspoon commences her fitness routine by rolling out her glutes with her legs positioned in a figure-four stance. She strategically positions the roller next to her hip to work on her glute medius muscles and seemingly proceeds to the base of her IT band. Notably, experts in the fitness realm are divided on whether one should use a foam roller on their IT band, advising that foam rolling should typically be reserved for muscles, not joints, bones, ligaments, or tendons. The reason being that loosening a ligament like the IT band, playing a significant role in stabilizing lateral knee movement, could increase the risk of injury during workouts or even daily activities. Refocusing on Witherspoon's workout, she moves forward to roll out her quads and stretch her hip flexors by drawing one knee to her chest before crossing it over. The mother of two then shifts the roller from under her pelvis to under her feet for glute bridges, which can effectively counterbalance an anterior pelvic tilt, a commonly seen imbalance resulting from excessive backward tilting of the hips. Lastly, aiming to enhance shoulder flexibility, Witherspoon places the foam roller along her spine and leans alternately to each side; then, with her knees grounded and hands on the foam roller, she moves her torso forward and back. The foam roller Witherspoon seems to be using closely resembles the Amazon Basics High-Density Exercise, Massage, Muscle Recovery, Round Foam Roller (Buy It, $22, Incorporating foam rolling into her everyday routine is a smart move by Witherspoon, as it can boost flexibility, curtail exercise fatigue, and reduce the chances of experiencing future soreness. Essentially, habitual foam rolling is more beneficial than resorting to it only when faced with extreme soreness. Regardless of whether you're taking part in Witherspoon's run/walk challenge or following an entirely different workout regime, her treadmill workout and foam rolling exercises could be a great addition to your own routine.

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